My role: In the editing process, as there are 4 of us, it made it slightly hard to involve everyone. So to solve this problem, we all took turns and helped each other out with the editing. Even if we weren't literally editing we can still contribute through the suggestions we give. For example if Amory is editing, I can suggest that he cuts a clip sooner or adds in a title etc. This made everything run much more smoothly and it gave everyone a chance to learn Premiere Pro. Whilst we all edited together, there were key decisions that we all individually made that influenced the sequence. I made the choice of the font for the titles to which I chose Helvetica Light as it is a clean font and easy to read rather than something that you takes thought for you to read. To edit this I would double click on the title box in the bins (folder) which brings up the title edit window in which you can pick your font, spacing, size etc. After I was happy with how it looked, I would then e...