Talking to Matt - New Ideas

After deciding to change our idea again, Mima and Maya went up to the edit suite where they could talk to Matt - Our music video advisor and consult him on our initial ideas for our new concept. The song had changed from a hip hop track to a Future Bass kind of track. We said we wanted a bassy kind of track because we had an idea for having a wall of speakers for one of our strands.

He agreed with our decision and felt that the speaker idea was possible, but we should try to look at taking it a step further in terms of development with it because it was quite a simplistic strand and not much could come from it without development. He suggested something like powder in the speakers so when they are bouncing, the powders flying up.

We researched into it and found things we could apply to this idea:

Paint on the speakers:

Coloured powder on speakers:

Now that we have one solid strand for our new video, we need to work on what song we can use, and other ideas that fit into the same theme.


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