Research into 3d Cameras

I have been researching into how to get the wobble 3d camera effect that you see in mura masa's music video for 'What if I go?'. This seems to be more of a complex process than I had initially thought. To help gain an idea of how we would do it, I youtube searched 3d camera wobble effect and this came up:

After watching this I looked into the Nishika cameras to see if that would be something we could buy or something that is too expensive or too unreliable so I went on amazon to see what the reviews were: 

 These reviews basically explain that whilst the cameras are good if your using them for a bit of fun then they can be okay, however if your spending a fair amount of money on it and have high expectations, then you will be disappointed. Also something that we need to keep in mind is that because they are film cameras, we have to wait for the film to be developed. So after seeing that the actual vintage film cameras might look like more of a complicated and unrealistic thing to be able to do effectively. I'm going to experiment with my digital camera and put the camera on fast mode so it takes multiple pictures when holding down the shutter button. I have a canon 1d photography camera. I'm going to set up lighting to create shadows on the people I shoot so it creates more of a dramatic effect.


  1. Hi Matt

    Well done, a better effort on the blog last week! Please try to post every day during the next 3 weeks as I hope that your group are going to be doing a lot of planning including rehearsals and test shoots. I will be intrigued to see how you get on with the camera test you mention above. That is a good example of a post that should NOT be an essay, if you show how you set up the camera, include the test footage, then I think all that's left is to evaluate the images, in what ways are they or aren't they what you are trying to achieve and given that what are your next steps...
    What have I done? What have I found out? How does that knock on to my productions planning?... Well done Phil


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