Editing workshop

Editing software 

We use Adobe Premiere Pro which is one of the best in the industry with films like Avatar,  Deadpool and Gone Girl. 

The main short cuts:

C - trim handle 
V - selector 
H - hand tool
+ - timeline zoom in
– - timeline zoom out
cmd + Z - undo

The most important command of all is: cmd + s which will save your work. This is because Apple become very unreliable when your running software like Premiere Pro. If you don't save it and it crashes your going to be very disappointed.

Timeline: This is the section that you place all of your audio and clips into.

The in and out points: This is the preview window of a clip before it goes into the timeline. This is used for when you want to perfectly cut a clip and you can compare it with the clip before using the preview window.

Rushes and Bins: These are the folders that you keep your clips in. Generally you will use these folders to sort through each scene easier.

Preview window: This will show what is on the timeline.

In film, dailies, footage or rushes are the raw, un-edited material that have been imported straight from filming (untouched).


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