Prelim part 2:
Editing: Myself and Josh (the director) edited together on Premiere Pro. Before we did anything we looked the all the rushes to pick out which one was the best. We then went in chronological order putting in each clip to the preview and dragging the chosen part of the clip to the timeline.
Once we had a ruff cut we experimented a little bit by extending the clips and playing around with it. For example when the character enters the room we started with the shot from outside too the long shot inside. I made sure I cut it on the movement, when the door shuts as it makes it less noticeable to the audience.
One big problem we had, was when one of the actors had his arms in a different place in two clips. This made it very hard to decide to cut before or after as the actor was doing two different things. In the end I extended the clips to avoid any ruff editing.
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