The Group Idea

Since I have joined my group, we have come together to form a final concept. We all talked about each others and came to the conclusion that Aidan's was the best. However there were some problems that came with the idea so we decided to combine Aidan's with Amory's to take the best from both. 
Aidan's idea was about a group of robbers, trying to run away when one is backstabbed by another. Amory's idea was about a girl getting changed and at the end picking up a gun showing that she is a spy or intimidating figure.
We combined these as we liked Aidan's idea and also liked Amory's idea of a woman, subverting to the stereotype and being more powerful than anyone else in the scene.
Our current idea: 

There has been a robbery. The team of 3 or 4 get away in their van and make it far from the city to the woods. Then the find out they have been followed so they ditch the car and run. In the action, one of the members gets hurt and can't walk. The other member goes back to help her but she then grabs a knife out of her pocket, stabs him in the neck and takes his money. She takes off her mask to reveal that she is a woman and walks off into the woods.


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