Research - Masks

Masks In our thriller masks play a key role. We want them to be similar (synchronised) however we still needed to be able for the audience to distinguish one character from another and so potentially this mask may have to describe their personalities. We took a while to decide on what masks we wanted to use. We where all going in the style of Jason’s Friday he 13th hockey mask, however we felt that for this opening this mask would not be intimidating enough. We also looked at full head masks but thought that these did not fit the theme we were gong for. We eventually decided on getting plain white classic hockey mask. Although the Jason mask from Friday the 13th does not look intimidating, we bought a plain white version of it, and are going to custom paint all of them, making them individual and therefore easier to distinguish the characters. With custom paint jobs the will also look more intimidating and potentially (depending on how we paint them) look like more professional robber...