Film Poster Textual Analysis

Already from a first glance, it is clear to see that Guardians of the Galaxy is an action film. The background is space and a planet with spaceships flying from it in the upper right corner this tells us that it will involve space and travel (and possibly an invasion and war). All of the main characters are in a group beside one another pointing there weapons into the corner. This lets us know that they are a team and have been united and it tells us that this will be an underdog film as it implies that its them vs everyone. The sense of disorder and chaos tells us that whatever has happened was unexpected and every character in the team is somewhat of a misfit as they all are a different ‘species’. They also don’t have a dress code, they all wear different clothing and have different guns. This implies the fact that they all have something unique to offer to the all star team. By looking at the text we can see that it is going to be a victory story and they will come up on top. The text is very bold and therefore strong and the colour of it is gold which is known as the colour of success/winning.

The poster also resembles the Star Wars poster a lot. I believe this is deliberate and they are reminding you (sub consciously) of Star Wars even though the two films are completely different. They have done this because The film Star Wars in known to be one of the most successful action/sci fi movies ever so by making the poster similar to the star wars poster, it is suggesting that it will be as successful as star wars which will increase the chance of people watching. It also is letting open a new target audience as well as the main target audience, teens - 30 yr old males who enjoy superhero movies. This target audience would be slightly older and typically, fans of movies and tv shows like Star Trek, Big Bang Theory and of course, Star Wars. 

Unlike the Star Wars poster, the Guardians of the Galaxy poster has so much diversity of colour. This may suggest that the film is suitable for all sorts of people and isn't just limited to the target audience. Although the poster is full of different vibrant colours, the most common colour in the poster is purple. For example the purple jacket, purple hair, a purple explosion behind the team and even purple skin on the person in the far right. Purple symbolises high class and royalty. This could suggest that this film still has aspects of it that is suitable for posh people swell as working class people.

There is a clear positioning of the characters and how big each character is in relation to everything else in the poster so that if you haven’t watched the trailer, you’re still going to know what kind of character each actor will be playing. For example, Chris Pratt is in the middle, so you know that his character is most likely going to be the ‘hero’. Zoe Saldana is the ‘princess’. Dave Bautista is the ‘villain’ (or is made out to be the villain at first because theres something in the film that they don’t want you to know) However it is possible he could end up to join the hero side as he is separated but still looks like he is fighting with them rather than against them which may suggests a plot twist without actually confirming anything and then Vin Diesel and Bradley Cooper’s characters are the ‘tag alongs’ who help the two main characters on their journey. Also, you can basically list the exact same character rolls in the star wars poster. Chris Pratt is Luke. Zoe Saldana is Princess Lea. Dave Bautista is Han Solo. Then Vin Diesel and Bradley Cooper are the Chewy/ R2D2/ C3PO. 
aI think this poster is very effective as there so much thought put into it. The poster gives the audience a clear idea of what they can expect in the film by using the Star Wars poster a unique selling point by referring to it. 


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