My Websites and Album cover for each artist

I have constructed a website and an Album cover as a first draft for the music campaign with each artist. As all the genres are very different, it meant I had to take a different approach to each one. 

Artist No. 1: 

Home page: 

Orfom is the name I came up with for the band that perform 99 shades of crazy. This was my first idea and with an idea of what the music video would look like, I had something to work off of when designing my website homepage. I chose the picture because it reflects the style of music they make and wrote a small bio explaining what the band are about. 

Album cover: 

I kept in mind the main themes of the music video and homepage and decided to go out and shoot the cover with a friend that fitted the look I was going for. I went to a field in the evening and shot portraits with him as the "Lead singer". 

After editing a handful of my favourite ones I narrowed it down to the one I thought was the best.

I then went into photoshop and edited it into an album cover format with text (title of the album): 

Artist No. 2: 

Home page: 

Unlike my first artist I wanted this homepage to look a bit more slick given that their music is more electronic based. This time I didn't necessarily base the homepage off of my music video idea because the music video doesn't really represent the artists themes as much. Instead I listened to the song and visualised what I thought would fit that.  

Album cover: 

When it came to the album cover I had in mind the abstract, retro kind of feel that I want the music video to have and I used that to construct a photo that would both make sense in relation to the website and music video.

I looked through my library of photos I had previously taken and this one stood out to me the blurred light over his face is quite different and unique and the photo made sense to use so I put it through photoshop and formatted it with text: 

Artist No. 3: 

Home page: 

For this artist I looked at other websites of hip hop artists and used that as something to base mine of off. I used a picture that I took of the person that I want to be the artist in my music video, I then took a quote about hip hop I found and used that. I found this one particularly challenging as it was hard to replicate or take inspiration from other websites because they were all so different. 

Album cover: 

For the album cover I knew that I wanted to make something very abstract so when it came to designing it I was thinking outside the box. This time around, I used as graphic and zoomed in very close to it that you wouldn't be able to see what it actually was: 


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